Why Backbend are Essential In Yoga Practice?

In modern day daily life activities like working at a desk, driving, carrying children, housework etc. These repetitive movements create ‘hunched’ forward posture. After a prolonged period, this shortens the muscles in the chest which in turn pulls the shoulders forward. Backbends help to reverse the effects of this hunched posture and opens the chest […]

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    Smita's YogaMantra

    C/o Angana's Fitness Studio

    210, Siesta Business Zone, Besides Baghban Party Plot,

    Above Turban Restaurant, Thaltej

    Ahmedabad - 380054

    Smita's YogaMantra

    Aalj Uma,

    Opp. Padmavati Bunglows,

    Avalon Hotel Road, Thaltej

    Ahmedabad - 380059

    Email : smitsyoga@gmail.com

    Phone : +91 9824383038