
Simple relaxation techniques help you to achieve increased immunity, emotional balance, lower blood pressure, decreased stress and inflammation and a sense of calm.
Research found that daily muscle relaxation boosted natural “killer” cells, which resulted in the participants having greater resistance to viruses. In the journal health psychology showed that mindfulness actually decreases levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Classical Pranayam Bhastrika

Bhastrika means bellows. In this pranayama, just as a blacksmith blows his bellows rapidly, so that alzoypu can inhale and exhale rapidly. To practice, sit in your favourite asana, close the mouth, Inhale and exhale quickly like the bellow while dilating and contracting the heat. Begin with 10 expulsions and increase it gradually to 20 to25. Inhale deeply after ea h round. Retain the breath as long as comfortable and then slowly exhale.

Benefits: Bhastrika removes inflammation of the throat , increases the gastric fire, destroys phlegm and all diseases of the nose and lungs, eradicates asthma, consumption and other diseases which arise from arise from excess of wind, bile and phlegm. It gives warmth to the body and enables prana to break through the three grant his, psychic knots.

Anulom vilom or Nadi Sheehan

It one of the most excellent pranayama as it is performed with Pranava Mudra. Close the right nostril with right thumb and breathe from left nostril. Then close the left nostril with the ring finger and breathe out from right nostril. In the beginning repeat it 7 to 8 times. After practicing it one can also do it with Kumbhaka.

Benefits: Allows deep breathing and improves lung function. More oxygen is made available per breath, making the breathing most efficient. Improves blood circulation and purify blood. Regular practice releases stress and anxiety.

Ujjayi Pranayama

In this pranayama, the lungs are fully expanded and the chest is puffed out like that of a proud conqueror. Ujjayi involves partial closure of the glottis both while inhaling and exhaling. This is done by tightening the throat region slightly. Inhale slowly and deeply through both nostrils along with generating a  hissing / whispering sound.

Benefits: Aerates the lungs, removes phlegm, gives endurance, soothes the nerves and tones the entire system, stimulates the thyroid gland, eases diseases of the lungs, chest and throat and strengthens the vocal cord.

Bhramari Pranayama

This pranayama involves creating a sound similar to the humming bee. It is an excellent breathing exercise that helps release agitation, frustration and anger, and is one of the best exercises for calming the mind. Inhale slowly and deeply to fill the lungs completely and produce the sound of a humming bee ( hmmmm) through larynx while exhaling.

Benefits: Makes voice sweet and melodious and helps in clarity of speech. Calms the body, and relieves stress, tension, anger and anxiety, Increases concentration. It is very helpful for pregnant women for easy and trouble free childbirth.

Sheetali and Sheetkari Pranayama

In this pranayama we breathe through the mouth just like the python and the hen. Sheetali and sheetkari pranayama are similar, the only difference between them is the technique of breathing used to practice them. In sheetali, we breathe by folding the tongue and in sheetkari, we Inhale through the teeth.

Benefits: This pranayama gives control over hunger and thirst. It had a calming effect on the entire nervous system, and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which induces muscular relaxation and is very effective in stress management. Controls body temperature.

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    Ahmedabad - 380054

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    Opp. Padmavati Bunglows,

    Avalon Hotel Road, Thaltej

    Ahmedabad - 380059

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